Blue Giant Equipment Corporation lanza BGNR-30 Apilador de alcance

Blue Giant Equipment Corporation se complace en anunciar el lanzamiento del apilador de alcance BGNR-30, que combina la maniobrabilidad de un apilador de montaje con la operación flexible de una carretilla elevadora.

"El BGNR-30 mejora la productividad y optimiza el espacio," dice Barry Miwa, Gerente de ventas para la división de camiones industriales Blue Giant. "Combinando las características de funcionamiento más fuertes de un apilador y un carro de elevación, ayuda a los operadores a realizar tareas más eficientemente y en espacios más restringidos, dejando que las instalaciones aumenten el almacenamiento en estantes sin tener que trasladarse a un edificio más grande."
The BGNR-30 comes standard with power steering, creating a smooth and reliable operating experience even while the pantograph handles a full load. An integral sideshift function supports movement in either direction, which is especially convenient when lining up a load. The AC-powered motor, drive unit, and controller improve acceleration and plug reversal, which contributes to greater material handling proficiency.

The multi-function control handle simplifies every lift truck function (lift, lower, reach and retract), while the regenerative motor braking decreases motor temperature and saves energy. For added safety, the clear mast design improves visibility so operators can move elevated loads quickly and accurately.

Other specifications include:

  •  Load capacity of 3,000lbs
  • Lift heights of 106” and 126” (two-stage mast)
  • Lift height of 157” and full free lift (triple mast)

“Blue Giant is committed to delivering solutions that make loading dock and material handling operations safer, more productive, and more profitable,” says Jeff Miller, Vice President of Sales and Marketing at Blue Giant. “The BGNR-30 delivers precise and efficient performance for any task that’s required, which provides a valuable boost to any company’s bottom line.”