Accessibility Plan and Policies for Blue Giant

The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 ("the AODA") is a Provincial Act with the purpose of developing, implementing and mandating accessibility standards in order to achieve accessibility for persons with disabilities, with respect to goods, services, facilities, accommodation, employment, buildings, structures and premises.


Blue Giant is committed to providing a respectful, welcoming, accessible, and inclusive environment for all persons with disabilities in a way that is respectful of the dignity and independence of people with disabilities.

Blue Giant is committed to creating a barrier free environment and meeting the requirements of all existing legislation and its own policies and goals related to identifying, removing and preventing barriers to people with disabilities that might interfere with their ability to interact with Blue Giant.

Blue Giant ensures that all persons within its facilities are aware of their rights and responsibilities to foster an accessible and inclusive environment with and for persons with disabilities.

Blue Giant is committed to, and will strive to ensure that, the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), 2005, its regulations, standards and all other relevant legislation concerning accessibility, are rigorously observed in a timely fashion.

Accountabilities and Responsibilities

Blue Giant Senior Management is accountable to and responsible for:

  • The governance of the policy.
  • Corporate liability for compliance with legislative requirements, including fiscal responsibility, human costs and human rights issues.
  • Support and promote the policy in their area of direct report and throughout the organization.
  • Drive the culture to a high level of understanding regarding disability and accommodation.

Blue Giant Directors and Managers are accountable to and responsible for:

  • Fostering open and constructive communication.
  • Demonstrating sensitivity to and respect confidentiality of information.
  • Raising awareness to facilitate understanding of the policy.
  • Participating and co-operating to facilitate workplace accommodation.

Blue Giant Employees are accountable to and responsible for:

  • Participating and co-operating with all parties to facilitate workplace accommodation.

Blue Giant Human Resources is accountable to and responsible for:

  • Participating and cooperating with all parties.
  • Acting as a resource for all parties and participants.
  • Supporting and educating managers in their obligations.


Assistive Devices: a technical aid, communication device or instrument that is used to maintain or improve the functional abilities of people with disabilities. (Wheelchair, walker, personal oxygen tank, etc.)

Barriers: as defined by the Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2001, anything that prevents a person with a disability from fully participating in all aspects of society because of his / her disability.  This includes:

  • A physical barrier
  • An architectural barrier
  • An information or communication barrier
  • An attitudinal barrier
  • A policy, practice and procedure barrier

Guide Dog: A highly-trained working dog that has been trained to provide mobility, safety and increased independence for people who are blind.

Service Animal: In this policy, a service animal is:

  • any animal used by a person with a disability for reasons relating to the disability; or
  • where the person provides a letter from a physician confirming that they require the animal for reasons relating to their disability; or
  • where the person provides a valid identification card signed by the Attorney General of Canada or a certificate of training from a recognized guide dog or service animal training school.

Support Person: A support person means, in relation to a person with a disability, another person who accompanies him or her in order to help with communication, mobility, personal care, medical needs or access to goods and services.

Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation Policy

Purpose and Background

The Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (Regulation 191/11) (the “IASR”) under the AODA provides standards for private sector organizations to increase accessibility for persons with disabilities specifically in the areas of:

  • Information and Communications
  • Employment

Accessibility Plan

In order to achieve our goals, Blue Giant developed a multi-year Accessibility Plan which documents the Blue Giant strategy and commitment to meet the applicable standards of the IASR.

Blue Giant will prepare an annual update report on the progress and measures taken to implement the Blue Giant Accessibility Plan. The Accessibility Plan and annual update report will be made available on our website and can be provided in an accessible format on request.

Training (to be effective in full by January 1, 2015)

Blue Giant will ensure that timely training is provided to all necessary persons that it aligns with the requirements of the accessibility standards referred to in the IASR.   Appropriate records of training will be maintained.

Training, using the most appropriate methodologies, as appropriate, will be provided to the following person(s):

  • all employees
  • all persons who work under a contractual agreement directly with Blue Giant

Feedback (to be effective in full by January 1, 2015)

Blue Giant will ensure that its processes for receiving and responding to feedback are made available to persons with disabilities, whether members of the public, clients, customers or employees, in an appropriate, accessible format or communication support, upon their request, and that members of the public are notified of the availability of such an option. Blue Giant will review its current feedback processes to ensure that it is accessible and make any changes necessary to ensure compliance with the IASR by 2015.

Accessible Formats and Communication Supports (to be effective in full by January 1, 2016)

Blue Giant will, upon request and consultation, endeavour to provide information and communications under our control about our goods and services to people with disabilities using the appropriate accessible format or communication support wherever possible, in a timely manner. Blue Giant will notify the public about the availability of accessible formats and communications supports. Blue Giant will review and determine its current offerings of accessible formats and communications supports and will engage in an ongoing process of identifying additional accessible formats and communications supports that may be offered by Blue Giant.

Accessible Websites and Web Content

Blue Giant confirms that its website and content will be in conformance with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 Level A as of January 1, 2014, as practicable.

Blue Giant will ensure its website, content, and applications directly controlled by Blue Giant or through its contractual relationships, will be in conformity with WCAG 2.0 Level AA, as required by the IASR, by January 1, 2021, as practicable.

Educational Materials (to be effective in full by January 1, 2020)

As applicable, Blue Giant will upon request provide educational and training sessions with accessible or conversion-ready versions of its print-based supplementary educational resources.

Employment Standards (to be effective in full by January 1, 2016)


Blue Giant will notify its employees and external applicants about the availability of accommodation for applicants with disabilities in its recruitment process.

Recruitment, Assessment or Selection Process

Blue Giant will ensure that job applicants are notified when they are individually selected to participate in the assessment or selection process and that accommodation for disabilities are made available upon request in relation to the materials or processes to be used. Blue Giant will consult with individuals who request accommodations and will provide for appropriate accommodations.

Notice to Successful Applicants

When presenting offers of employment, Blue Giant will notify the successful applicant of its policies for accommodating employees with disabilities.

Informing Employees of Supports

Blue Giant will ensure that employees are informed of all accessibility policies (and any updates to those policies) used to support employees with disabilities, including policies on the provision of job accommodations that take into account an employee’s accessibility needs due to disability. This information will be provided to new employees as soon as practicable after commencing employment.

Accessible Formats and Communication Supports for Employees

Upon request of an employee with a disability, Blue Giant will consult with the employee to provide, or arrange for accessible formats and communication supports for information that is needed to perform his/her job, and information that is available to other employees. In order to determine the suitability of an accessible format or communication support, Blue Giant will consult with the employee making the request. Accessible formats and communications supports regarding general workplace information will also be provided to employees with disabilities.

Workplace Emergency Response Information

Blue Giant provides employees with disabilities individualized workplace emergency response information when the employee’s disability is such that the information is required and Blue Giant has been informed of the need to accommodate the employee’s disability.

Documented Individual Accommodation Plans

Blue Giant currently accommodates the needs of its employees with disabilities as required under the Ontario Human Rights Code. Blue Giant will develop individualized accommodation plans for its employees with disabilities, as Blue Giant is made aware. The process by which Blue Giant will consult, develop, determine, document, review and routinely update the individualized accommodation plan will be formalized. Blue Giant will implement and maintain measures effective to maintain the privacy of its employees with disabilities.

Return to Work Process

Blue Giant will maintain a documented return to work process for employees who have been absent from work due to a disability and who require disability-related accommodations and support in order to return to work. The return to work process will clearly define and outline the steps Blue Giant will take to facilitate the return to work and will include documented accommodation plans for each individual as part of the process. The above stated return to work process will not replace, hinder or override any other return to work process created by or under any other statute (i.e., the Workplace Safety Insurance Act, 1997, Short Term Disability, or other company policy).

Performance Management, Career Development and Advancement and Redeployment

Blue Giant will continue to consider the accessibility needs of employees with disabilities as well as individual accommodation plans, when conducting performance management reviews, providing career development and advancement to employees and when redeploying employees.

Accessibility Standards for Customer Service Policy

Purpose and Background

Under the AODA, Ontario Regulation 429/07, entitled "Accessibility Standards for Customer Service" (the “Service Regulation"), came into effect on January 1, 2008. The Service Regulation establishes accessibility standards specific to customer service for private sector organizations that provide goods and services to members of the public or other third parties.

The objective of this policy is to identify what the equal treatment provisions of the Ontario Human Rights Code, through the AODA and the Service Regulation, require with respect to service delivery to persons with disabilities and addresses the following:

  • The Provision of Goods and Services to Persons with Disabilities;
  • The Use of Assistive Devices;
  • The Use of Guide Dogs and Service Animals;
  • The Use of Support Persons;
  • Notice of Service Disruptions;
  • Customer Feedback;
  • Training; and
  • Notice of Availability and Format of Required Documents.

Statement of Commitment and Accountabilities


Blue Giant is committed to providing a respectful, welcoming, accessible, and inclusive environment in the provision of goods and services for both customers/clients and employees alike. Blue Giant is committed to, and strives to ensure that, the AODA, the standards and all other relevant legislation concerning accessibility, are rigorously observed.

Blue Giant is committed to creating a barrier free environment and meeting the requirements of all existing legislation and its own policies and goals related to identifying, removing and preventing barriers to people with disabilities that might interfere with their ability to make full use of the services provided by Blue Giant.

Customer Service Policy, Practice and Procedure

The Provision of Goods and Services to Persons with Disabilities

Blue Giant will make every reasonable effort to ensure that its policies, practices and procedures are consistent:

  • ensuring that all customers receive the same value and quality;
  • allowing customers with disabilities to do things in their own ways, at their own pace when accessing goods and services as long as this does not present a safety risk;
  • using alternative methods when possible to ensure that customers with disabilities have access to the same services, in the same place and in a similar manner;
  • taking into account individual needs when providing goods and services; and
  • communicating in a manner that takes into account the customer's disability.

 Assistive Devices

Persons with disabilities may use their own assistive devices as required when accessing goods or services provided by Blue Giant. In cases where the assistive device presents a safety concern or where accessibility might be an issue, other reasonable measures will be used to ensure the access of goods and services. For example, where elevators are not present and where an individual requires assistive devices for the purposes of mobility, service will be provided in a location that meets the needs of the customer.

Guide Dogs and Service Animals

A customer with a disability that is accompanied by a guide dog or service animal will be allowed access to premises that are open to the public unless otherwise excluded by law. If a guide dog or service animal is excluded by law, Blue Giant will try to offer alternative methods to enable the person with a disability to access goods and services, when possible.

Recognizing a Guide Dog and/or Service AnimalIf it is not readily apparent that the animal is being used by the customer for reasons relating to his or her disability, Blue Giant may request verification from the customer. Verification may include:

  • a letter from a physician or nurse confirming that the person requires the animal for reasons related to the disability;
  • a valid identification card signed by the Attorney General of Canada; or,
  • a certificate of training from a recognized guide dog or service animal training school.

Care and Control of the Animal: The customer/client that is accompanied by a guide dog or service animal is responsible for maintaining care and control of the animal at all time. Employees will be prepared to respond to requests of water for the service animal and to show the owner an outdoor area where the animal can be taken to relieve itself.


If a health and safety concern presents itself, for example in the form of a severe allergy to the animal, Blue Giant Equipment will make all reasonable efforts to meet the needs of all individuals.

Support Persons

If a customer/client with a disability is accompanied by a support person, Blue Giant will ensure that both persons are allowed to enter the premises together and that the customer/client is not prevented from having access to the support person. All customer/client confidentiality requirements and practices will also apply to support persons.


Training will be provided to all employees who deal with the public; revised training will be provided in the event of changes to legislation or the Blue Giant policy, practice and procedure. Blue Giant will keep a record of training that includes the dates training was provided, the number of employees and names of employees trained.

The training will include information on the purposes of the AODA, requirements of this Service Regulation, how to communicate and interact with people with disabilities, how to interact with service animals or support persons, how to utilize assisted devices that are available at our premises, what to do if a person has difficulty accessing Blue Giant services or facilities, and our policies, procedures and practices pertaining to providing accessible customer service to people with disabilities.

Notice of Disruptions in Service

Service disruptions may occur due to reasons that may or may not be within the control or knowledge of Blue Giant. In the event of any temporary disruptions to facilities or services that customers with disabilities rely on to access or use, reasonable efforts will be made to provide advance notice.

Feedback Process

Blue Giant shall provide customers/clients with the opportunity to provide feedback on the service provided to persons with disabilities. Information about the feedback process will be readily available to all customers/clients and notice of the process will be made available on our website. Blue Giant will acknowledge verbal/written/telephone feedback within five business days, and within fifteen business days of the receipt of a mailed/e-mailed complaint. In some cases, it may not be possible or appropriate to acknowledge feedback, for example, if the customer wishes to remain anonymous, or indicates that he/she does not want to receive an acknowledgment. Customers can submit feedback to

Availability and Format of Documents (Alternative Formats)

All documents required by the Accessibility Standards for Customer Service, including the Blue Giant Accessibility Policy, notices of temporary disruptions, training records, and written feedback process are available upon request, subject to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act ("FIPPA"). When providing these documents to a person with a disability, Blue Giant will endeavour to provide the document, or the information contained in the document, in a format that takes the person's disability into account. Notice of the availability of documents required by the Accessibility Standards for Customer Service will be posted on the Blue Giant website at:

Blue Giant shall notify customers that the documents related to the Accessibility Standard for Customer Service are available upon request and in a format that takes into account the customer's disability.


If you have any questions or concerns about this policy or its related procedures please contact: or call 905.457.3900.

Bill S-211 Policy